Take this to the polls! Our Clean Slate easy guide for SF’s March 2024 election
Barbara Lee for Senate, Working Families Slate for DCCC, YES on Prop A and D, NO on Props C, E, and F.
Guardian endorsement interviews: Mark Leno
As part of our endorsement process, we have been interviewing the candidates for mayor. The interviews are unedited, presented in their entirety.
Mark Leno told us that he would never have supported the Twitter tax break the way it was approved, and would have demanded more community benefits. He talked about his plan for housing and homelessness.
We will be publishing...
Endorsements for the March 3, 2020 primary
Below are our complete endorsements for the March 3, 2020 primary elections.
Bernie Sanders
Two elements come into play in the presidential primary, and we think both favor Sanders.
The first, of course, is beating Trump. We do not subscribe to the “Bernie or bust” theory, and in November, we will be endorsing and strongly supporting any Democrat who wins the nomination....
ENDORSEMENTS: Kim for state Senate, Sanders for President, Yes on C …
The Democratic primary season is almost over. It’s almost certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee (and, for the sake of the nation, we hope she will be the next president). But it’s critical that people still go to the polls...
Our Guardian Endorsements come out at the end of September!
Our full endorsements for the November 5 election will be online and on the streets.
Bay Guardian endorsement interview: Jane Kim
As part of our endorsement process, we are posting interviews with all of the mayoral candidates. The interviews are unedited.
Kim talked to us about the Twitter tax break and said that at the time, it was important to encourage investment in the city, and she has no regrets. But she is concerned about the way the tech boom impacted...
Our handy clipout guide for the March 3 primary
Here are the Bay Guardian endorsements in a handy print-out guide to take to the polls. For our full endorsements, click here.
President: Bernie Sanders
Congress, D 12: No recommendation
State Senate, D 11: Jackie Fielder
State Assembly, D17: No endorsement
State Assembly, D19: No endorsement
Superior Court Judge, Seat 1: Maria Evangelista
Superior Court Judge, Seat 18: Michelle Tong
Superior Court Judge, Seat 21: Carolyn Gold