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EDITORIAL: Vote for Kim and Leno (or Leno and Kim) to save San Francisco

The early indications are that turnout in the June 5 election will be low. According to Joe Eskenazi, who has a daily text-message service, as of May 27, 43,000 ballots have been returned; at that point in June 2016, 63,500 ballots had been turned in. So every single vote is going to matter. You can vote this weekend at City...

Stay tuned for the 2018 Clean Slate Election Endorsements Guide—in print and online

** Sign up for our newsletter and get the Endorsements in April. ** Support us so we can do this. ** Get news updates from daily site 48hills ** Snag a retro Bay Guardian T-shirt or tote! We’ve lived through a lot of bad mayors. Nine years of Dianne Feinstein, who created a downtown-development gold rush that began the gentrification crisis we see...

Our Clean Slate Voters’ Guide for the November 2018 election

Print this guide out here. Read our endorsements here. BAY GUARDIAN ENDORSEMENTS Governor: No endorsement Lt. Governor: No endorsements Secretary of State: Alex Padilla Controller: Betty Yee Treasurer: No endorsement Attorney General: Xavier Becerra Insurance Commissioner: Ricardo Lara Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tony Thurmond US Senator: Kevin De Leon Congress, District 12: Nancy Pelosi State Assembly, District 17: No endorsement State Assembly, District 19: Phil Ting STATE PROPOSITIONS Proposition 1: Yes Proposition 2: Yes Proposition 3: No Proposition 4:...

Our print-out guide to take to the polls

***NOTE THESE ENDORSEMENTS ARE FOR THE JUNE ELECTIONS. THE NOVEMBER ELECTION GUIDE CAN BE FOUND HERE. Here's a simple guide to all of our endorsements: DOWNLOAD HERE: GUARDIAN CLEAN SLATE JUNE 2018 MAYOR Jane Kim and Mark Leno (you can vote for them both) SUPERVISOR, DISTRICT 8 Rafael Mandelman SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE Seat 4: Phoenix Streets Seat 7: Maria Evangelista Seat 9: Kwixuan Maloof Seat 11: Niki Solis STATEWIDE...

Endorsements for the March 3, 2020 primary

Below are our complete endorsements for the March 3, 2020 primary elections.  PRESIDENT Bernie Sanders Two elements come into play in the presidential primary, and we think both favor Sanders. The first, of course, is beating Trump. We do not subscribe to the “Bernie or bust” theory, and in November, we will be endorsing and strongly supporting any Democrat who wins the nomination....

VOTE Jan 8 to reform the Democratic Party!

The Democratic Party controls California – and yet, this deep-blue state still suffers under Prop 13, still allows landlords to control the political agenda (at the cost of thousands of evictions and a homeless epidemic), and is going to struggle to create an effective response to Donald Trump. That’s because the California Democratic Party is still a corporate-run operation, dominated...

Guardian endorsement interviews: Mark Leno

As part of our endorsement process, we have been interviewing the candidates for mayor. The interviews are unedited, presented in their entirety. Mark Leno told us that he would never have supported the Twitter tax break the way it was approved, and would have demanded more community benefits. He talked about his plan for housing and homelessness. We will be publishing...


Barbara Lee for Senate, Working Families Slate for DCCC, YES on Prop A and D, NO on Props C, E, and F.

ENDORSEMENTS: Kim for state Senate, Sanders for President, Yes on C …

PLEASE NOTE: THESE ENDORSEMENTS WERE FOR THE JUNE 2016 PRIMARIES -- FOR OUR NOVEMBER ENDORSEMENTS, CLICK HERE.  The Democratic primary season is almost over. It’s almost certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee (and, for the sake of the nation, we hope she will be the next president). But it’s critical that people still go to the polls...

Putting tenants first in the Democratic Party

“That’s Sacramento” the old timers say, as they shake their heads. For the entire time that I’ve worked on housing justice in San Francisco, housing activists have told me about about our inability, year after year, decade after decade to defeat the Ellis Act and Costa Hawkins, two laws that were written for and by the real estate industry...