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New Book! Tom Ammiano’s ‘Kiss My Gay Ass’ recalls SF political history

Tom Ammiano's story could only happen in one place: San Francisco. Reflecting on a life of teaching, stand-up comedy, activism, and bloodsport politics, Tom sat down at his kitchen table and wrote his story as only he can tell it. Now you get to read it. Kiss My Gay Ass: My trip down the Yellow Brick Road through activism, stand-up, and...


CLICK HERE FOR OUR CLEAN SLATE VOTER GUIDE TO TAKE TO THE POLLS.  The two most important things on the November ballot are state Proposition 10 and San Francisco Proposition C. Both would address the housing crisis; both are desperately needed. Prop. 10 would overturn one of the worst examples of a bad trend in California: The state Legislature likes to...

EDITORIAL: Vote for Kim and Leno (or Leno and Kim) to save San Francisco

The early indications are that turnout in the June 5 election will be low. According to Joe Eskenazi, who has a daily text-message service, as of May 27, 43,000 ballots have been returned; at that point in June 2016, 63,500 ballots had been turned in. So every single vote is going to matter. You can vote this weekend at City...

Putting tenants first in the Democratic Party

“That’s Sacramento” the old timers say, as they shake their heads. For the entire time that I’ve worked on housing justice in San Francisco, housing activists have told me about about our inability, year after year, decade after decade to defeat the Ellis Act and Costa Hawkins, two laws that were written for and by the real estate industry...